As in all markets, whether Stocks or Real Estate, markets need to pause sometimes and take a breather. This is a good thing, as it allows necessary corrections and needed time to make any necessary adjustments.
That is what we are currently seeing in the error coin market. After nearly 7 years of a Bull Market that steamed ahead and never looked back, it seems that the market on error coins is taking that necessary breather, Now this is NOT a bad thing! Just the opposite, it’s a good thing.
The prices are NOT going down, but are staying stable at their current heights. In fact this is a perfect time to start thinking about buying while the prices are stable. It is just a matter of time before the Bull takes off and new & higher prices will be established.
How often do we hear from clients, “Oh I wish I had bought in at those cheaper prices.” Well, here is that opportunity as the market is taking a pause. Believe me, when I tell you things will not get any cheaper in the future, as more & more people are collecting errors. There is a severe draught of any new errors coming from the U.S. Mint. Any market professional will tell you supply & demand will fuel any market. So don’t let it be said that we didn’t advise you that this is a terrific time to buy errors.
Remember buy the very best you can afford, 1 quality coin is always better than 10 ugly coins.