This is a complete reverse die trial, in white metal, of the laurel wreath design with groups of 5 leaves as used on J191/P233, J202/P245, and J208/P253 & P259. The illustrated example is the only one confirmed to exist.
This is an obverse die trial, in white metal, for the pattern design with the motto “God Our Trust” as used on J312-4/P377-9 and J315/P380 but lacking the date. The illustrated example is the only one confirmed to exist.
This is a reverse die trial, in white metal, for the regular no motto design, with small letters, used from 1838-1840. The illustrated example is the only one confirmed to exist.
This is an obverse die trial without date, in white metal, of the regular seated liberty design of 1837 but with a single star added between liberty’s head and the pole. Because of this, it is listed as an 1838 trial and an intermediate between the no stars design of 1837 and the with stars design of 1838 and later. 2 examples are confirmed and both are illustrated. The example above was part of the materials given to the Library Company of Philadelphia by Maxwell Whiteman. It is listed as inventory #12.
This is an unfinished obverse die trial in lead, on an octagonal planchet, of the 1836 Capped bust design J57/P60. “Liberty” has not yet been inscribed onto the cap. Two examples are confirmed. The illustrated piece above is ex Woodside, Woodin-1914 ANS exhibit, Kosoff 1948, Ford, Empire Coin, Cox-Stacks 3/62, Mint collection.
This is an obverse die trial, in white metal, for the 1857 design used on J189/P226 complete except that the date is missing. Only 4 examples are known, all are illustrated. The two in color are in the Library Company of Philadelphia. The small planchet piece is inventory #28 and the larger planchet example is inventory #30.